It has also been reported that inhibition of p38 MAPK attenuates

It has also been reported that inhibition of p38 MAPK attenuates the progression of fibrosis in the bleomycin model. SPARC may serve as one of the downstream factors of PI3K and p38 MAPK signaling in the patho genesis of fibrosis. Although PDGF is also known to be able to activate both PI3K and p38 MAPK signalling inhibitor Erlotinib pathways, SPARC upregulation was not induced by PDGF stimulation in our study. Therefore, activation of PI3K and p38 MAPK is required but is not enough for SPARC induc tion. Other signaling pathways could also be involved in upregulation of SPARC by TGF B. Conclusions Our results indicated that SPARC contributes to the extracellular H2O2 generation induced by TGF B via ILK activation in fibroblasts and can regulate the viability of adjacent epithelial cells through H2O2 generation.

In addition, SPARC expression is upregulated by TGF B, which is thought to be a key regulator for the establish ment and progression of IPF, not only in culture but also in the animal model of pulmonary fibrosis. One of the most widely accepted views regarding the pathogenesis of IPF is the recurrent damage of alveolar epithelial cells and ECM deposition from aberrant activated fibroblasts. We demonstrated that SPARC likely contributes to epithelial damage through regulation of ROS production. As SPARC is capable of exerting pleiotropic functions on the pathogenesis of IPF, SPARC inhibition may represent a potential therapeutic approach for IPF. Methods Materials TGF B, PDGF, IL 13 and IGF were purchased from R D systems. CTGF and TNF were purchased from Pepro Tech.

Endothelin 1 and angiotensin II were purchased from Sigma Aldrich. PGF2 was purchased from Enzo life science. Anti body against SPARC was purchased from Santa Cruz Biotechnology. Antibodies against SMAD3, Tubulin, p p44/42, p44/42, p AKT, AKT, p c Jun, c Jun, p p38 MAPK, p38 MAPK and ILK were purchased from Cell Signaling Technology. Antibody against ILK was purchased from Abnova. Phospho MBP was purchased from Milipore. U0126, LY294002, PI103, SB202190, SB239063 and SP600125 were purchased from Calbiochem. Diphenyliodonium and N acetylcysteine were purchased from Sigma Aldrich. Cell culture The human fetal lung fibroblast HFL 1 and the human lung adenocarcinoma epithelial cell line A549 were obtained from the American Type Culture Collection and maintained in DMEM supplemented with 10% FBS and 100 U/ml penicillin/streptomycin at 37 C under 5% CO2.

Studies were performed on passage 5 to 10 of HFL 1 cells. Coculture system of epithelial cells and fibroblasts HFL 1 cells were plated on the lower wells of 24 well transwell co culture system at a density of 1 105 cells/well, and cultured at 37 C under 5% CO2 for overnight. Then cells were grown for 24 Cilengitide h in DMEM with 0. 5% FBS before treatment with/without TGF B.

In a recent report, Yohannes

In a recent report, Yohannes and coworkers employed 2D differential in gel electrophoresis to profile proteins that were differentially e pressed in the bladder smooth muscle of rats subjected to streptozotocin induced diabetes for different periods of time. Diabetes promotes a spectrum of pathologic changes in the urinary tract, including profound alterations in smooth muscle mass and contractility. Although not identified by 2D DIGE as differentially e pressed in e perimental diabetes, MYC, along with EGR1 and the AP 1 subunit c Fos, emerged as interconnected nodes following interro gation of differentially e pressed proteins using MetaCore software.

Similarly, in our analysis, the transcription factors JUN, MYC and EGR1 were not identified as PDGF induced proteins by quantitative proteomics analysis of primary SMC cultures, but were revealed through higher order transformation of e pression data as master regulators of PDGF stimulated transcriptional and protein changes in visceral SMC. In the present study, analysis of the gene targets for each of the master regulators identified in Figure 2 revealed a high degree of potential cross regulation, in that the promoter for each transcription factor contained putative binding sites for all other factors analyzed. Consistent with the possibility for functional interaction, a recent study revealed time dependent up regulation of transcription factor specific gene modules in an in vitro model of acute MYC activation. In response to MYC induction, genes harboring AP 1 and CREB motifs were induced first, followed by those targeted by EGR1, and concluding with putative MYC targets.

Taken together, these findings argue for a co ordinated, temporal relationship between the master regulatory AV-951 nodes we identified here. Given the potential for positive feedback regulation, they may also provide an e planation for the sustained fibroproliferation evident in hollow organ remodeling. We further validated the network we have described by functional analysis of DIAPH3, which emerged as one of 22 targets that were induced at both mRNA and pro tein levels in response to PDGF. DIAPH3 is a member of the diaphanous related formin family that regulates the actin and microtubule cytoskeletons downstream of the small Rho GTPases, Rho, Rac and Cdc42, in a variety of cell types.

Although primarily studied in epithelial cells and fibroblasts, the murine ortholog of DIAPH3, mDia2, has been implicated as a regulator of smooth muscle specific gene e pression in vascular selleck chem Brefeldin A SMC. In that study, the primary activity of mDia2 and its homolog mDia1 was to enhance actin polymerization and thereby promote nuclear localization of the transcription factors MRTF A and MRTF B to induce e pression of genes encoding smooth muscle contractile proteins.

Activated forms of tyrosine kinases such as VEGFR, FGFR and PDGFR

Activated forms of tyrosine kinases such as VEGFR, FGFR and PDGFR are known to play role in tumor angiogenesis, a process essential for growth of tumors. These receptors are activated selleck products by their correspond ing growth factors secreted by tumor cells resulting in proliferation, migration and survival of tumor endothe lial cells. Although VEGF RTKs are the major tar gets for dovitinib, preclinical studies have also shown that FGF signaling is a possible mechanism of escape from and resistance to anti VEGF therapy. There fore, dovitinibs uniqueness in inhibiting growth factor receptors including FGFR and VEGFR makes it stand out among other RTKs inhibitors. A high percentage of colorectal carcinomas over express a lot of growth fac tors and their receptors, including fibroblast growth fac tor and FGF receptor.

Takayama et al. have shown that over expression of FGFR corre lates with liver metastasis in CRC. Our results showed a decrease in phosphorylation of VEGFR and FGFR in two colon cancer cell lines tested. In vitro data in HCT116, HT 29 and SW 480 cell lines showed de creases in expression of all proteins in MAP kinase path way such as kRAS, bRAF and pERK. Previous studies have shown that use of MEK inhibitors impaired prolif eration thereby impacting a diverse array of cellular events, including differentiation, apoptosis, and angio genesis. However, Turke et al. have shown that MEK inhibitor led to activation of a parallel PI3K/AKT signaling pathway involving several feedback systems.

The vice versa has also been shown true in which inhibition of PI3K pathway activated MAP kinase path way, thereby decreasing the effectiveness of single agent targeted therapies. This suggests that concomitant inhibition of both pathways is necessary to block prolif eration and induce cell death and shrink the tumor. Since inhibition by dovitinib in these cell lines was an upstream of kRAS, a parallel inhibition of both RAS RAF MAPK and PI3K AKT suggest a synergistic effect of both pathways on downstream effectors of growth and proliferation. Our data also showed an inhibition of Brefeldin_A expression of pAKT in all three cell lines. Our results are in agreement with a recent report showing a con comitant down regulation of PI3K and MEK induced re gression of kRAS mutant cancers in vivo. Our results with wound healing assay showed a signifi cant decrease in wound repair with the use of combin ation of two as compared to either of the drugs alone confirmed a simultaneous inhibition of both signaling pathways which are known to contribute neverless to the inhibition of protein synthesis, cell growth, proliferation and survival. Lee et al. have shown that inhibition of FGFR and PDGFR starts as early as 4 h in the presence of Dovitinib.

As shown in Figure 1A, Mcl 1 was highly e pressed in all four HCC

As shown in Figure 1A, Mcl 1 was highly e pressed in all four HCC cell lines, but the levels of Bcl 2 and Bcl L differed. Hep3B cells had low level of Bcl L and Huh7 cells had almost no detectable Bcl 2. Upon treatment with ABT 263, the level of Mcl 1 in creased dramatically in all HCC cell lines, but the levels of Bcl 2 and Bcl L did not change significantly. Another Bcl 2 inhibitor AT 101 had similar effect on Mcl 1 e pression in HCC cells. To test whether the upregulation of Mcl 1 is affected by Bcl 2 level, we knocked down Bcl 2 in Hep3B cells and overe pressed it in Huh7 cells, respectively. As shown in Figure 1C, the level of Mcl 1 remained unchanged upon Bcl 2 downregulation or overe pression. Similar results were also found when Bcl L was knocked down in Huh7 cells or overe pressed in Hep3B cells.

These results indicated that ABT 263 induced Mcl 1 up regulation was independent of the levels of Bcl 2 L in HCC cells. Furthermore, consistent with previous reports, Mcl 1 knockdown significantly enhanced the cytoto icity of ABT 263 in HCC cells. The above data indicated that the drug resistance of ABT 263 was, at least partially, mediated by Mcl 1 upregula tion, which was not associated with the e pression levels of Bcl 2 L in HCC cells. ABT 263 upregulates Mcl 1 at both mRNA and protein levels To investigate the underlying mechanism of ABT 263 induced Mcl 1 upregulation in HCC cells, both mRNA and protein levels of Mcl 1 were analyzed after treat ment with ABT 263. Since PLC and Huh7 cell lines had a higher sensitivity to ABT 263 after Mcl 1 knockdown, they were chosen as target cells.

As shown in Figure 2, ABT 263 upregulated Mcl 1 at both mRNA and protein levels in PLC and Huh7 cells revealed by RT PCR, real time PCR and Western blot. ABT 263 increases the mRNA stability of Mcl 1 To figure out the mechanisms of ABT 263 mediated Mcl 1 mRNA upregulation, the promoter region of Mcl 1 gene was cloned into re porter vector pGL3 basic, and Batimastat the resulting plasmid was named as pLucM1. Meanwhile, the pro moter region containing the binding sites for several predicted transcriptional factors was also cloned into pGL3 basic, and the resulting plas mid was named as pLucM2. Then PLC and Huh7 cells were separately transfected with pLucM1 and pLucM2 and followed by the treatment with ABT 263.

As shown in Figure 3B, ABT 263 didnt affect the activ ity of Mcl 1 promoter in HCC cells, neither in pLucM1 nor in pLucM2. Subsequently, PLC and Huh7 cells were treated with transcription inhibitor actinomycin D in the presence or absence of ABT 263. As shown in Figure 3C, ABT 263 co treatment significantly enhanced the mRNA stability of Mcl 1 compared to Act D treat ment alone. These results indicated that ABT 263 upregulated Mcl 1 mRNA level via increasing the mRNA stability instead of activating its transcription in HCC cells.

We used the allotypic IgMa marker specific for the BCRHEL transge

We used the allotypic IgMa marker specific for the BCRHEL transgene in donor tumor cells to distinguish them from the IgMb expressing B cells normally present in C57BL/6 bone marrow. As illustrated in panel a of Figure 5, bone marrow from unmanipulated C57BL/6 mice did not contain IgMa expressing cells. Bone marrow from mice transplanted 28 days earlier with lymphoma cells con tained abundant tumor cells and an average of 51. 9% of the cells were positive for IgMa. The effects of L 744,832 treatment for either 28 or 7 days can be seen in Figure 5, panels c and d, respectively. the IgMa expressing tumor cells in the bone marrow were signifi cantly reduced. Even after 28 days of treatment a small, but substantial number of the transgenic B cells remained when compared to mice that did not receive a transplant.

Similar results were seen when SCH66336 was used to treat mice transplanted with mature B cell lymphomas. When we examined isolated splenocytes for expression of IgMa and B220 as markers for the lymphoma cells from the tumor transplant, we found that about 32% of the cells were positive for these two markers 18 days after transplantation. Treatment with SCH66336 for 3 days led to a statistically significant decrease in the number of tumor cells to 5% of splenocytes, although they were not completely eliminated. Sustained remissions of B cell lymphomas with brief L 744,832 treatment We next examined whether the treatment of tumor bear ing mice for 7 days with L 744,832 could cause long last ing remissions from acute B cell lymphoma.

Two separate experiments were conducted with either 5 mice or 10 mice that had received 106 tumor cells and were then treated with L 744,832 for 7 days, starting 21 days after the transplantation, when lympho mas were first evident by external examination in all trans plant recipient mice. In the first experiment, the untreated mice became moribund and were euthanized between 5 and 6 weeks after transplantation. One of the treated mice did not appear to respond to L 744,832 treatment and tumor progression was similar to untreated mice. Three of the remaining 4 treated mice showed temporary remis sions of lymphoma. There were no signs of lymphaden opathy in these mice until approximately 6 weeks after the treatment ended.

These 3 mice survived for approximately 17 weeks and developed very large, indolent lymphomas Drug_discovery that were not as aggressive as the original transplanted cells, which would be expected to cause morbidity within 3 weeks of visible lymphadenopathy. Lymphadenopathy never returned in the fifth treated mouse and it was euth anized after 52 weeks. Necropsy showed no signs of splenomegaly or lymphadenopathy. In the second experiment, the untreated tumor recipients showed visible signs of tumor at 3 weeks and had to be euthanized between 3 and 6 weeks.

However, in vitro testing of adaphostin in the NCI 60 cell line

However, in vitro testing of adaphostin in the NCI 60 cell line panel indi cated that several solid tumor cancer cell lines also dem onstrated considerable sensitivity to adaphostin, indicating there may be a role for adaphostin in treatment of solid tumors. The prostate tumor cell line, PC3 was published as a model to demonstrate signaling cascades involved in adaphostin induced growth inhibition and cell cycle arrest, but this cell line is an order of magni tude more resistant than the lung tumor model NCI H522 to the growth inhibitory effects of the drug in the NCI 60 human tumor cell line screen. An early report showed an anti tumor effect on an orthotopic glioblastoma model U87, in combination with the Flt 1/Fc chimera, and more recent evaluation of adaphostin activity in glioblas toma cell lines identified a high level of HMOX1 induc tion.

HMOX1 is the first and rate limiting step in the degradative pathway of heme, but has also been recog nized as an integral part of a cytoprotective mechanism against oxidative stress. HMOX1 is a target gene of the basic leucine zipper transcription factor, nuclear factor erythroid 2 like 2, Nrf2, a central regulator of cellular oxidative stress response and repre sents an adaptive response that increases cell resistance to oxidative injury. Nrf2 is readily induced in response to ROS through the Nrf2 ARE pathway which transcrip tionally up regulates antioxidant genes in order to protect cells. Nrf2 is regulated through PI3K/AKT pathway, and translocated into the nucleus where it binds to the antioxidant responsive element which results in activation of this enhancer element and initiates the transcription of genes encoding phase II detoxifica tion enzymes.

These enzymes initiate an antioxidant response, which can be beneficial for cancer prevention. However, the Nrf2 ARE pathway has recently been implicated in chemoresistance and the feasibility of Nrf2 inhibition as a strategy for sensitizing cells to chemother apeutics was demonstrated. HMOX1 upregula tion has been identified in the adaphostin response in adherent cell lines, but not in hematopoietic cell line Anacetrapib models, and it appears that adaphostin activates a differ ent oxidative stress response in solid tumor models than in leukemia models.

Thus, we have investigated the mechanism behind HMOX1 induction in the adaphostin sensitive lung tumor cell line NCI H522, and demon strated an enhancement of adaphostin toxicity following inhibition of Nrf2 nuclear translocation with the PI3K inhibitor wortmannin. Methods Drugs and Cell Culture Adaphostin and wortmannin were obtained from the repository of the National Cancer Institutes Developmental Therapeutics Program. Desferrioxamine and N acetyl cysteine were purchased from Sigma. NCI H522, and the leukemia cell lines, were obtained from the NCI 60 Human Tumor Cell Line Screen.

16 hours after transfection, cells were treated for 24 h with 9 c

16 hours after transfection, cells were treated for 24 h with 9 cis retinoic acid at the indicated concentrations. Lysates from transfected cells were analyzed for luci ferase and b galactosidase activity, and data from luci ferase activity were normalized by b galactosidase activity values. Electrophoretic mobility shift assays Radiolabeled double strand oligonucleotides were mi ed with 10 ug of nuclear protein e tracts in a final volume of 20 ul of binding buffer containing 2 ug poly. After 30 minutes of incubation at room tem perature, binding comple es were separated on a 5% non denaturating polyacrylamide gel with 0. 5�� TBE buffer. The gel was vacuum dried and subjected to autoradiography. For supershift e periments, 0. 2 ug of p65 antibody was added to the samples before addition of the radiolabeled oligonucleotide.

RNA interference T47D breast cancer cells were seeded 24 h prior to transfection with 100 nM siGENOME SMARTpool for cIAP2 using DharmaFECT 1 as transfection reagent according to manufacturers instructions. After 16 h, siRNA lipid comple es were removed and cells were treated with 9 cis RA for 30 h prior to etoposide treatment. Chromatin Immunoprecipitation T47D breast cancer cells growing in p150 dishes were treated with 1 uM 9 cis RA for 48 h. Media and ligands were renewed 45 min before chromatin e tracts were prepared. ChIP assays were performed according to a previously described procedure. Sonication was performed using a Bioruptor UCD 200TM from Diage node. Chromatin comple es were incubated with primary rab bit polyclonal antibodies to acetylated H3 histone, RelA p65, RAR, R Ra, c jun or normal rabbit serum immunoglobulins.

Eluted DNA from the ChIP assays were assayed directly by real time PCR. DNA inputs were diluted 1 100 previous to real time PCR assay. 1 ul of template was used per 25 ul reaction, all samples were analysed in duplicate using SYBR green 2�� PCR Master Mi on a Strata gene M 3005P real time PCR thermal cycler. After an initial denaturation and activation incubation of 10 min, 45 cycles of 2 step cycling were performed with an annealing temperature of 60 C with the following pri mers forward to amplify the cJUN promoter region containing the AP1 site. Melting curves were performed to verify product specificity. Relative fold induction over IgG for each immunopreci pitate was assessed by analysing the change in threshold cycle number upon normalization to their respective inputs.

Reverse Transcriptase Polymerase Reaction Total RNA was isolated using Tri Reagent and 1 ug of RNA was used in a reverse transcription reac tion as instructed using iScript cDNA synthesis kit from Bio RAD. Statistical analysis Students t test was performed using the Brefeldin_A Microsoft E cell software. The statistical signifi cance of difference between groups was e pressed by asterisks.

Therefore, although services and applications related with the

Therefore, although services and applications related with the Internet of Things that make use of Wireless Sensor Networks are well-known from a Research and Development perspective, there is a general shortage of them for the end users, who are often not involved in the fields of Information Technology or Computer Science.This paper presents a model used in a rese
Red palm weevil (RPW, Rhynchophorus Ferrugineus Oliv., (Curculionidae, Coleoptera)) is a serious pest that attacks different species of palm trees (e.g., date palm, coconut palm, and royal palm). The RPW pest was reported in Asia, Australia, Philippines, and Thailand as early as 1962 [1]. Since then, its expansion has covered near all countries in Asia, Middle East [2] and the Mediterranean Rim.

Recently, the RPW pest has also been reported in different areas of the American continent, being currently considered as a global pest. This high rate of spread is largely caused by human intervention, by transporting infested young or adult date palm trees and offshoots from contaminated to uninfected areas. Date palm is an important crop in North African and Asian countries and ornamental palms are widely planted as amenity trees in the whole Mediterranean area.This pest is especially destructive because visible symptoms only appear when the infestation is severe. By then, it is too late to save the palm tree, Carfilzomib therefore, only preventive actions are really effective.

Among these actions, early detection systems are crucial to fight against RPW pest, since they can quickly detect it in the early infestation stages and trigger the actuation protocol to save the rest of the plantation.

After RPW detection, a deep inspection around the detection area is carried out, to destroy the severely infested trees, evaluate those endangered trees to determine its treatment and biological traps deployed. This protocol prevents the rest of the plantation from being infested, so an effective early detection system is fundamental to save as many palm trees as possible, working as a defensive protection Anacetrapib barrier. In [3] the authors expose an extensive compilation of works related to the RPW pest, examining in detail several aspects of the problem as its historical evolution, RPW biological cycle, economic aspects derived from RPW pest, pest management strategies, etc.Different technologies have been applied to detect the initial stages of RPW pest infestation. In [4] the authors employ a Computer Assisted Tomography system for the inspection of infested wheat, obtaining good results.

Availability of numerous signal features greatly enhances the po

Availability of numerous signal features greatly enhances the potential of using complex machine learning techniques to accurately estimate physical activity and sedentary behavior. These techniques are becoming increasingly popular, as they provide improved estimates as compared to the traditional activity count cut-points [3,4]. Another potential advantage of using raw acceleration is increased inter-monitor output equivalency through elimination of proprietary signal processing specifications used to derive activity counts. For example, activity counts from ActiGraph? (ActiGraph? Inc., Pensacola, FL, USA) monitors are not the same as those from the Actical (Phillips Respironics, Andover, MA, USA) monitor due to manufacturer specific signal processing [5].

While raw accelerometry is a possible solution for inter-monitor output equivalency, several sensor and digital signal processing specifications need to be similar between monitors to ensure equivalency.Two activity monitors used in physical activity research are the ActiGraph? GT3X+ and GENEA (Unilever Discover, Colworth, UK). These monitors have a dynamic range of ��6 g and allow users to collect raw acceleration at various sampling frequencies ranging from 10 to 160 Hz at 10 Hz increments. Currently, the GENEA is commercially unavailable, however, it is the only activity monitor that has been calibrated with an open-source machine-learning technique to predict the type of physical activity and sedentary behavior from raw acceleration [3].

Raw acceleration from the GT3X+ is currently being used in the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey to obtain nationally representative physical activity and sedentary behavior estimates [6]. There is no evidence examining the equivalency of raw acceleration outputs from these monitors and whether an algorithm developed on one monitor can be applied to data from the other to produce similar activity type recognition accuracy. Thus, the purposes of this study were: (1) To compare mean vector magnitude, which is a computed metric of triaxial raw acceleration from both monitors during mechanical shaker testing at various oscillation frequencies and (2) to determine if there is an interaction-effect in predicting activity type when a prediction model developed on Drug_discovery one monitor is applied to data from another monitor.

We compare activity type recognition accuracy rates when a model developed using the GT3X+ is applied to GT3X+ and GENEA data, and vice versa.2.?Methods2.1. Mechanical Shaker TestingMechanical shaker testing was performed using an orbital shaker (VRW International, Radnor, PA, USA; Advanced Orbital Shaker, Model 10000-2) that produces controlled oscillations between 0.25 and 4.2 Hz. Oscillation radii can be adjusted between 1.27 and 5.7 cm.

4 GPa and Poisson’s ratio of 0 22, is used [23] As shown in Figur

4 GPa and Poisson’s ratio of 0.22, is used [23].As shown in Figure 2, four strain gauges (R2, R1, R5, and R6) along the x-axis and four more strain gauges (R4, R3, R7, and R8) along the y-axis are arranged as pairs under the four force-transfer columns. The resistance of the strain gauges is changed symmetrically as they are physically deformed according to the applied direction of external force. Put simply, to measure the direction and magnitude of the applied external force, just four strain gauges (R1, R3, R5, and R7) inside of the contact plate are needed. The direction and magnitude of applied force could therefore be measured by combination of either increasing or decreasing the output resistance.Figure 2.Schematic representation of the configuration of the resistor and interconnects.

Eight strain gauges are candidates for quarter-bridge or moment-compensation circuit. Four strain gauges (R1, R3, R5, and R7) were used to measure applied normal and 2D tangential …2.2. Superposition Principle of Vector ForceForc
Radio frequency microelectromechanical (RF MEMS) switches have been drawing a lot of research interest in the past two decades, due to their several advantages such as high isolation, low insertion loss, zero power consumption and high linearity [1]. RF MEMS devices can offer attractive alternatives in switching networks, portable wireless systems, phased arrays and so on [2]. On the other hand, the reliability of RF MEMS switches is a major concern for long term applications. There have been a number of reports in this area, including both experimental measurements [3�C6] and computational simulations [7,8].

Generally, for capacitive switches, the lifetime is affected by the charging effects in the dielectric layer, and for ohmic-contact switches, the reliability is limited by the metal contacts.Compared to bulk metals, the microscopic contact behavior remains an important still not fully understood topic. In micro-contacts, surface morphology has to be taken into consideration. The reliability and RF performance are closely related to the physical contact made between the prominent asperities at the contact surfaces. Load cycling tests have been performed for RF MEMS switches [3,9�C12], to investigate the degradation mechanism of the metal contacts under different testing conditions.

Meanwhile, the behavior of microscopic contacts during a single load test has been intensively studied, with the electrical contact resistance Rc as an Anacetrapib important parameter to understand the contact behavior [13�C16]. It was found that the relation between Rc and contact force can be divided into three regions, as shown in Figure 1.Figure 1.Schematic plot of contact resistance Rcversus contact force during contact making. Region I: unstable region; Region II: gradual reduction of Rc; Region III: negligible reduction of Rc.