Thus, it is useful to consider the paradigm of “bankfull” flow (sensu Leopold et al., 1964), to understand natural range of process dynamics in stable alluvial channels relative to incised channels. Bankfull flow is considered to be the dominant discharge, or range of channel forming flows, that creates a stable alluvial channel form ( Wolman and Miller, 1960). In stable alluvial channels, frequently recurring bankfull find more flows fill the channel to the top of the banks before water overflows the channel onto adjacent floodplains—hence the term “bankfull. However, two factors challenge using the stable channel morphologic
and hydrologic bankfull paradigm in incising channels. First, in an incising channel, former morphologic bankfull indicators, such as the edge of the floodplain, no longer represent the channel forming flow stage. Second, in incising channels high flow magnitudes increasingly become contained within the channel without reaching the top of the banks or overflowing
onto the floodplain such that channel-floodplain connectivity diminishes. Any flood that is large enough to fill an incised channel from bank to bank has an increasingly large transport capacity relative to the former channel forming flow, such as is illustrated in the Robinson Creek case study where transport capacity in the incised channel increased by up to 22% since incision began. Therefore, we suggest that the term “bankfull” be abandoned when UMI-77 considering incised Amino acid systems. Instead we use the concept of “effective flow,” the flow necessary
to mobilize sediment that moves as bedload in alluvial channels. We explain our rationale through development of a metric to identify and determine the extent of incision in Robinson Creek or in other incised alluvial channels. Despite the inapplicability of the term bankfull to incised alluvial channels, considering the concept does lead to a potential tool to help identify when a channel has incised. For example, in stable alluvial channels, bankfull stage indicates a lower limiting depth necessary for entrainment (Parker and Peterson, 1968) required for bar formation because sediment must be mobilized to transport gravel from upstream to a bar surface (Church and Jones, 1982). Thus, in a stable gravel-bed alluvial channels, bar height may be taken as a rough approximation of the depth of flow required to entrain gravel before increasing flow stages overtop channel banks and inundate floodplains. Prior estimates in stable northern California alluvial creeks suggest that bar surface elevation is ∼71% of bankfull depth (e.g. Florsheim, 1985). In incised channels, bar surface elevation may still represent an estimate of the height of effective channel flow required to entrain sediment, as increasing flow stages are confined to an incised channel.