This new definition indicates the key role that the deletion task plays in the difference between the new generalized approach and the initial MCS concept. The deletion task can be specified by several Boolean rules that clearly represent and describe, unambiguously, the flux patterns or the functionality to be repressed. This increases the practical applicability of MCSs because they can now be determined for a large variety of complex deletion problems and for inhibiting very special flux patterns instead of just for studying structural fragility and identifying knock-out strategies. The refinements and extensions Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical to the initial MCS concept offer a broader range of possible ways
in which MCSs can be used to assess,
manipulate and design biochemical networks. A comparison of the concept versions is covered later. 2.6. Further Refined Concept of MCSs Further refinement of MCSs has also been undertaken [15] to deal with their limitation of disabling desired functionalities along with the targeted ones. To address this limitation, Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical Hädicke and Klamt [15] generalized MCSs to Constrained MCSs (cMCSs) that take into consideration side constraints and allow for a set of desired modes, with a minimum number preserved, to be defined. This generalization provides a flexibility for cMCSs to be applied to existing methods, for example Minimal Metabolic Functionalities Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical [25,26], OptKnock [27], and RobustKnock
[28] can be reformulated as special cases of cMCSs. As demonstrated in [15], the cMCSs approach offers great flexibility in defining Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical and solving knock out problems. The next section compares the three concepts, to get a better understanding of MCSs and how they have developed. 2.7. Comparing MCS Concepts 2.7.1. Same NVP-BGJ398 cell line properties Some properties between the initial and generalized/ refined concepts of MCSs remain the same. For example: there will always be a trivial MCS- the objective reaction itself; Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical some reactions such as the biomass synthesis, are actually pseudo-reactions that are not related to a single gene or enzyme and thus cannot be repressed by inhibitions such as gene deletions; the definition of DNA ligase the MCSs: each MCS provides a minimal (irreducible) set of deletions or EMs from the set of target modes, that will achieve the elimination of the objective reaction. 2.7.2. Different Properties A deletion task T is a set of constraints that characterize the stationary flux patterns (reactions) r to be repressed while D, derived from T, characterizes the target modes (EMs) to be targeted by MCSs. As such, D (for the target modes) and T (for the flux vectors r) are, in most cases such as in the earlier MCS concept, identical. In the generalized MCS concept, however, the deletion task D can either differ from T or T must be transformed into several Di that lead to sub-tasks.