There is a natural desire to employ these new products to eliminate or eradicate the disease in question. Here we will examine this question for Neisseria meningitidis, the meningococcus, in the light of the vaccines currently being developed and deployed against this encapsulated bacterium [5]. As the most effective of these vaccines target the asymptomatic carriage and transmission of meningococci among individuals [6], Selleckchem Small molecule library the question of whether elimination or eradication can be achieved arises. Clearly, the best way to prevent an infectious disease is to stop the circulation of the causative agent and indeed drive it to extinction: if
the pathogen is not present it cannot cause pathology. In the case of the meningococcus, which is an GDC-0199 cell line important cause of septicaemia and meningitis world-wide [7], there are historical hints of a meningococcal disease-free world in that this very distinctive disease was not conclusively described before 1805 in Europe [8] and only towards the end of the 19th century in sub-Saharan Africa [9]. Is it possible to
return to this desirable state? If this course is to be considered, it is necessary to examine its feasibility and consequences in the light of the biology of this intriguing organism. The meningococcus is only known to inhabit the human nasopharynx, if one discounts its occasional Isotretinoin isolation from the human urogenital tract – the niche for its close relative the gonococcus [10]. It is asymptomatically carried in all human populations examined to date, albeit at variable prevalence [11] and [12]. Further, it has not been isolated
from other animals and no known animal reservoir exists [10]. Carriage, which is rare in infants, increases with age and is episodic: an individual will acquire a particular meningococcus, carry that meningococcus for a period of time, which may range from days to years, and then clear the infection – remaining susceptible to infection by another meningococcus [13] and [14]. It is not known why some episodes of carriage develop into disease, especially as this is unproductive for the bacterium as invasion of the bloodstream, CSF, and meninges cannot lead to onward transmission [15]. Meningococcal disease should regarded as a dysfunctional relationship which harms the host and, ultimately, also the bacterium [16]. Some of the answers to the paradox of a commensal causing disease in a way that does not promote its own spread may lie in the extremely high diversity of this bacterium [16]. N. meningitidis possesses multiple mechanisms for generating antigenic variants by altering the levels of expression of multiple genes [17] and [18]. Presumably this aids interaction with a wide variety of human receptors for the purposes of colonisation and for the evasion of immune responses [19].