The SOM is one type buy BRL-15572 of neural networks [21]. The network topology and unsupervised training scheme make it different from the commonly known neural networks. A SOM is usually a two-dimensional grid, as shown in Figure 1. The map is usually square, but can be of any rectangular or hexagonal shape. Each point on the grid, denoted by its coordinate position (x, y), has a neuron and its associated
weight vector Wxy. The N-dimensional weight vector Wxy = (wxy1, wxy2,…, wxyn,…, wxyN) represents the centroid of a data cluster of similar training vectors. The weight vectors are collectively known as the SOM’s memory. Figure 1 General architecture of self-organizing feature map. The SOM is a mapping technique to project an N-dimensional input space to a two-dimensional space, effectively performing a compression of the input space. When an input vector A = (a1, a2,…, an,…, aN) is presented to the SOM, the “distance” between A and each of the weight vectors in the entire SOM is computed. The neuron whose weight vector is “closest” to A will be declared as the “winner” and has its output set to 1, while others are set to 0. Mathematically,
the output bxy of a neuron located at (x, y) is bxy=1,if A−Wxy=min∀i,jA−Wij,0,otherwise, (2) where ‖‖ represents the Euclidean distance and i and j are indices of the grid positions in the SOM. The input vectors that are categorized into the same cluster, that is, the same winning neuron, have the same output. In the above equation, as in most SOM applications, bxy is coded as a binary variable. However, in some real world applications, it is possible for bxy to be a discrete or continuous variable, as illustrated later in this paper. The training of a SOM is to code all the Wxy so that each of them represents the center of a cluster of similar training vectors. Once trained, the Wxy is known as a prototype vector (of the cluster it represents). The SOM training is based on a competitive learning strategy. During training,
the winning neuron, denoted by (X, Y), adjusts its existing weight vector WXY towards the input vector A. Neurons that are neighboring to the winning neurons on the map also learn part of the features GSK-3 of A. For each neuron, the weight vector during training step t is updated as WxyTt+1=WxyTt+hxy,XYtAT−WxyTt. (3) The function hxy,XY(t) is the neighborhood function which embeds the learning rate. The value hxy,XY(t) decreases with increasing dxy,XY, the distance between the winning neuron at (X, Y) and the neuron of interest at (x, y). To achieve convergence, it is necessary that hxy,XY(t) → 0 as t → ∞. More details on the SOM training may be found in [22]. In transportation engineering, the SOM has recently been applied to vehicle classification [23] and traffic data classification [23, 24], among others. 3.