The integrity of total RNAs was evaluated by denaturing agarose gel (MOPS gel) electrophoresis. MOPS buffer was used as running buffer to separate several ribosomal RNA (rRNA) bands (28S, 18S, and 5S) during electrophoresis.16 Results We did not obtain acceptable bands when RNA was extracted with the RNX-plus
reagent or RNA-later. However, we observed the best results when TriPure reagent was used. These results were dependent upon Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical the tissue preservation time, temperature and perfusion method. Immersion of pancreatic tissue in RNA-later for 24 h at -80ºC yielded high quality RNA with sharp, distinct 28S/18S bands. Evaluating RNA Integrity with the RNX-Plus Solution No specific band was seen when we used the RNX-plus solution. According to electrophoresis results, the RNA was completely degraded (figure 1). RNA Integrity with TriPure Reagent In comparison to the liver tissue control, we noted that RNA separation was not successful when the TriPure reagent was used (figure 2). RNA
Integrity Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical of Samples this website immersed in RNA-Later and Extracted with RNX-Plus or TriPure Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical Reagent There was no band visualized when we used RNA-later along with the RNX-plus reagent (figure 3). Depending on the duration of preservation and temperature, the TriPure reagent was able to produce RNAs with different integrities (figures 4 and and5).5). However the only considerable band (28S/18S rRNA) was seen when pancreatic Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical tissues were immersed in RNA-later for 24 h at -80ºC. Figure 3 Electrophoresis and RNA integrity analysis of total RNA isolated from two snap-frozen pancreatic tissues by using RNA-later and RNX-plus reagent. We immersed tissues in RNA-later after which they were snap-frozen in liquid nitrogen, followed by RNA extraction … Figure 4 Electrophoresis
and RNA integrity analysis of total RNA isolated from snap-frozen pancreatic tissues by immersing samples in RNA-later and TriPure reagent. We immersed the tissues in Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical RNA-later after which they were snap-frozen in liquid nitrogen, followed … Figure 5 Evaluation of total RNA integrity in snap-frozen pancreatic tissues immersed in RNA-later for 24 h at -80ºC which were isolated with TriPure reagent. Lane 1 shows the status of RNA extracted from liver tissue as the control, lanes 2-4 show the … RNA Integrity with RNA-Later Calpain and the Qiagen Kit In terms of purity and integrity, high-quality RNA was extracted by using RNA-later along with the Qiagen reagent (figure 6). Figure 6 Evaluation of total RNA integrity in snap-frozen pancreatic tissues immersed in RNA-later for 24 h at -80ºC that were isolated with the Qiagen kit. Lane 1 shows the status of RNA extracted from rat liver tissue as the control using the same protocol. …