The efficiency of these processes might have a significant effect

The efficiency of these click here processes might have a significant effect on the effectiveness of a judo fight. Supplementation of diets for athletes from a variety of sports with creatine-based compounds is associated with an improvement in physical performance of speed and strength

character. Previous studies have shown that supplementation of diets with creatine positively affects physical performance in terms of the ability to generate peak power and the power in repeated anaerobic exercise [4–6]. mTOR inhibitor Legal substances used so far, with the efficiency that has been determined empirically, include creatine monohydrate citrate, creatine malate and creatine ester. The use of creatine malate for tests carried out among judoists in the present study was not accidental

as it resulted from the lack of empirical data in the available scientific literature and the necessity of determination of its actual effect on physical capacity learn more in judoists. Few studies have examined this substance in groups of track and field athletes, mainly sprinters and long distance runners, and have demonstrated its ergogenic effect only in sprinters [4]. Increased fat-free mass (FFM) during anaerobic test was accompanied by elevated absolute and relative results concerning peak power (PP) and total work (TW). Although the creatine malate, which is a compound of three particles of creatine connected, through an ester bond, with one particle of malate, has two weak bonds which are susceptible to esterase, its one strong bond is secure enough to prevent the creatine particle from its conversion into creatinine. In this form, the creatine absorption and digestion is much more efficient compared to other preparations [4]. Creatine malate was chosen as a suplement for its vital role in generating muscle power [7]. What is more Flavopiridol (Alvocidib) creatine malate supplementation comparing to monohydrate helps to avoid accumulating water in muscle cells [8] as well as it is easierly absorbed from the digestive system, which coincides with better solubility in water. Although judo is a sport which is complex, both technically and tactically,

the expectations of post-exercise changes in physical capacity during non-specific laboratory tests seem to be justified. “Under competitive conditions, with intermittent character of exercise, where ratio of intensive exercise bouts during the fight to rest time typically amounts to 2:1 [9], the training process require a fine integration of aerobic and anaerobic training [10]. Therefore, it seems reasonable to formulate a hypothesis of the effect of training on the improvement in results obtained during a specific intermittent test, i.e. the SJFT test [11]. The hypothesis concerning the changes in physical capacity and special fitness in athletes who supplement diets with creatine compounds also seems interesting.

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