The detailed data between RABEX-5 mRNA expression and overall survival are shown in Table 3. Table 3 Prognostic value of RABEX-5 mRNA expression for the overall survival in univariate and multivariate analyses by Cox regression Univariate analysis Multivariate analysis Covariant Exp (B) 95% CI P value Exp (B) 95% CI P value RABEX-5 mRNA expression 1.629 1.038-2.555 0.034 1.751 1.098-2.792 0.019 Gleason
score MLN8237 purchase 2.526 1.788-3.568 <0.001 1.953 1.370-2.784 <0.001 Preoperative PSA 2.034 1.338-23.092 0.001 2.025 1.313-3.123 0.001 PCa Stage 4.131 2.888-5.911 <0.001 4.094 2.773-6.043 <0.001 Age 1.282 0.917-1.792 0.146 Angiolymphatic invasion 1.373 0.813-2.319 0.235 Surgical margin status 1.101 0.703-1.724 0.674 Lymph node metastasis 1.044 0.746-1.462 0.800 Seminal vesicle LY2874455 manufacturer invasion 1.358 0.956-1.928 0.087 Discussion Prostate YH25448 cell line cancer is the most frequently diagnosed malignant disease in men and
the second leading cause of cancer deaths in the United States [1]. Prostate cancer poses a major public health problem in the United States and worldwide [1, 12–14]. The treatment of prostate cancer with radical prostatectomy, which may be combined with chemotherapy, hormone therapy or radiation therapy, is curative in many patients with prostate cancer. However, most prostate cancer patients eventually relapse with castration-resistant prostate cancer and develop metastatic disease, which has a poor prognosis because no effective treatments are currently available [15, 16]. Although prostate-specific antigen screening has become very common in the clinic,
this marker lacks specificity [17]. Up to 25% patients with prostate cancer have prostate-specific antigen levels < 4.0 ng/ml, and elevated prostate-specific antigen Non-specific serine/threonine protein kinase levels can also result from benign prostatic disease [18]. A substantial proportion of screen-detected prostate cancers may have been overdiagnosed and subsequently overtreated, while others may not have been detected and treated early enough. The predictive value of conventional clinicopathological parameters for powerful prognosticators, such as pathological tumor stage and lymph node metastatic disease, remains limited [19, 20]. Widespread overtreatment has greatly increased the social burden and poor quality of life. Despite the generally good prognosis for early stage prostate cancer patients, many affected individuals still die as a result of metastasis and recurrence, which is the major cause for most cancer-related deaths. Therefore, the identification of reliable biomarkers for identifying prostate cancer and predicting recurrence is critical for early diagnosis and prognostic evaluation, and for therapeutic molecular targets of prostate cancers [21, 22].