The contribution of betaine to these specific relationships should be examined in future studies. Conclusions Betaine has been shown to have numerous, diverse, positive effects [2] and in the current study betaine supplementation corresponded positively with gains in bench throw power, isometric
bench press force, some measures of vertical jump power, and isometric squat force. However, precise mechanistic inferences will require further direct investigation while accounting for neural inhibitory factors. Considering the previous results from our laboratory demonstrating the effect of betaine on high intensity exercise performance in hot environments [3], and those recently reported by Hoffman et al. [6] on the quality of power test repetitions and endurance during power tests, it seems that betaine ergogenicity merits further research
in both endurance and strength/resistance exercise. Acknowledgements We wish to thank Mark Farrell for his PF-01367338 help with subject testing, and the subjects who volunteered for this study. References 1. Ueland PM, Holm PI, Hustad S: Betaine: a key modulator of one-carbon metabolism and homocysteine status. Clin Chem Lab Med 2005, 43:1069–1075.CrossRefPubMed 2. Craig SA: Betaine in human nutrition. Am J Clin Nutr 2004, 80:539–549.PubMed 3. Armstrong LE, Casa DJ, Roti MW, Lee EC, Craig SA, Sutherland JW, Fiala KA, Maresh CM: Influence of betaine consumption on strenuous running and sprinting in a hot environment. J Strength Cond Res 2008, 22:851–860.CrossRefPubMed 4. Penry JT, Manore MM: Choline: an important micronutrient for maximal endurance-exercise performance? Int J Sport Nutr Exerc Metab 2008, 18:191–203.PubMed 5. Warren LK, Lawrence LM, Thompson KN: The influence of betaine on untrained and trained horses exercising to fatigue. J Anim Sci 1999, 77:677–684.PubMed
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