Structuring sustainability science with ontology engineering tech

Structuring sustainability science with ontology engineering technology Knowledge structuring framework based on the reference model We applied the reference model to develop a knowledge structuring system for SS. For Layer 0, we collected a comprehensive sample of literature and databases available on the Web. This work was conducted in parallel with the activities of the Research Institute for Sustainability Science (RISS) at Osaka University (Morioka et al. 2006) to develop a meta-database

of SS, a conceptual map on the resource-circulating society, and educational contents of a core module for SS, under the name “Valuation Vadimezan Methods and Technical Aspects in Sustainability.” As a prototype tool at Layer 1, we constructed a trial SS ontology. For this, we first extracted the concepts for SS ontology and the relationships between these concepts from the meta-database of SS, the documents used as educational contents, and the database on the Environmental Information and Communication Network website (http://​www.​eic.​or.​jp/​). Second, we discussed the architecture of the SS ontology and requirements for SS knowledge

structuring in monthly workshops coordinated by the RISS since the year 2006. The detailed process for constructing the SS ontology will be reported TSA HDAC mw in a future paper. Based on the information collected and the discussion in GABA Receptor the workshops, a prototype version of SS ontology was built as a required task at Layer 1. We conducted several kinds of research studies that are necessary for applying an ontology to a sustainability domain, including targeting sustainable development indicators, risk communication, and education (Brilhante

et al. 2006; Friend 1996; Macris and Georgakellos 2006; Suzuki et al. 2005; Tiako 2004). Semantic web technology has been applied to develop systems for knowledge structuring and data retrieval. For example, EKOSS, which stands for expert knowledge ontology-based semantic search, is a knowledge-sharing platform based on semantic web technologies (selleck chemical Kraines et al. 2006). In order to realize the specification of Layer 2, we also developed a conceptual mapping tool that enables a user to explore the SS ontology from that user’s particular perspective and to generate a conceptual map accordingly. The following sections titled  “Ontology-based information retrieval” and “Development of the sustainability science ontology” explain this developmental process and its outcomes. Ontology-based information retrieval Figure 2 shows an overview of our knowledge-structuring tool based on ontology engineering. For Layer 1, we developed an ontology-based information retrieval system. It manages real data at Layer 0 using common concepts that are systematized in the SS ontology and realizes knowledge sharing and exchange across domains. Fig.

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