Recently, MD simulations have been demonstrated to minimize unnecessary costs and the need to perform complicated experiments, and can provide a convenient and excellent semi-theoretical platform for estimating broad interactions between biomolecules and inorganic materials on the atomic level [15-20]. In this study, an MD simulation with multiple adsorption orientations of the protein was conducted to investigate the dynamic mechanism of the conformational mobility of a FAD coenzyme under the interaction between intact GOx and the sidewall of a metallic SWCNT. This investigation is based on previous research performed by our group [16-19], and could help us to make further clear some critical issues about the immobilization of enzyme with SWCNTs in bioelectrochemical applications.2.
?Results and Discussion2.1. The conformational change of FADDespite being tightly wrapped in apo-GOx by non-bonded interaction forces that include vdW forces and the electrostatic interaction, FAD still exhibits great mobility in the tunnel of the apo-GOx. A number of structural parameters, including distances, angles and dihedrals, were introduced in this study to describe the fine structural features and evaluate the mobility of FAD. The atom tags of FAD and its formula are shown in Figure 1, and the above-mentioned parameters are depicted in Figure 2a.Figure 1.(a) System A with a water box size of 99.5��69.5��79.7 ?3; (b) system B with a water box size of Entinostat 124.0��91.6��82.5 ?3, in which SWCNT covers two pockets; (c) system C with a water box size of 124.1��88.0��98.0 …Figure 2.
(a1) Distance (N10-CA8) represents the distance between the isoalloxazine and the adenine of FAD; (a2) Angle (N5-N10-C5��) represents the bending deflection of the virtual axis (N5-N10) of isoalloxazine relative to the virtual axis (N10-C5��) …In an aqueous solution, FAD that has a large bending deflection can gradually return to a certain extension on its own accord [22]. By analyzing the molecular trajectories, the mobility of FAD in system D was found to be distinctly different from that in system A, being strongly affected by the presence of a SWCNT. Figure 2a illustrates that the distance (N10-CA8) fluctuates more in system D during the 2-ns simulation than those in the other three systems. In contrast with system A, the distance (N10-CA8) is still less than 2 ? in system D at the end of the 2-ns MD simulation. The fluctuations of this distance in systems B and C are similar to that in system A. As shown in Figure 2b, the trend for the angle (N5-N10-C5��) in system B is very similar to that for system C; whereas it deviates somewhat from that for system A, and greatly from than that of system D.