Of the

Of the KPT-185 duplicated SNPs, 16 were selected based on interest and the other two were selected based on poor primer designability. The primers for the duplicated SNPs were designed based on the se quence of the opposite DNA strand of where the ori ginal primer was designed. The duplicated DNA samples were randomly selected. There was 99. 2% identity be tween SNPs duplicated within an assay and 98. 6% iden tity between duplicated samples. After quality control was assessed, duplicated samples were merged. If any genotype at a given SNP did not match between sam ples, both genotypes were deleted and treated as a no call. Duplicated SNPs were merged in the same manner. The call rate after merging samples and SNPs was 91. 5%. Statistical analysis Minor allele frequency was determined using the FREQ procedure of SAS.

Distributions of genotypes were tested for devi ation from Hardy Weinberg equilibrium using a chi square test. In addition, chi square was used to de termine whether MAF differed between high and low DPR bulls. The association of genetic variants with each trait was evaluated using the MIXED procedure of SAS. The full model included, where Yi is the deregressed PTA of the trait of interest for the ith bull, byrj is the fixed effect of the jth birth year of the ith bull, B is the linear regression coefficient for the kth SNP, SNPk is the number of copies of the major allele, POLYl is the random polygenic effect of the ith bull, and ��i is the random residual effect.

The POLYl A��2 and ��i I��2, where A is the numerator relationship matrix, I is an identity matrix, ��2 is the additive genetic variance of the trait of interest, and ��2 is the residual error variance. All of the available pedigree information for each bull was used when modeling the covariance among the polygenic effects. SNP effects were estimated using two analyses. In the first, genotype was considered a continuous variable to The reference set was the Ingenuity Knowledge Base and both direct and indirect relationships that were experimentally observed were included. Three ana lyses were conducted. Brefeldin_A The first was to identify canonical pathways in which 2 or more genes were overrepresented. The program was also used to build customized networks of genes based on direct and indirect relationships. Finally, upstream regulators in which genes related to DPR were overrepresented were identified. A P value of 0. 05 or less was considered significant for all analyses. Results Genetic characteristics of bulls used for genotyping The range of PTAs for bulls are shown in Additional file 1, Table S1, while the effect of DPR class on PTAs are shown in Table 1. Daughter pregnancy rate class had a significant selleckchem Sorafenib effect on all other traits exam ined.

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