However, PCR products of strains LM27553stx1 and LM27553stx2 were larger than expected, indicating insertion of foreign DNA into or closely to the tia gene [15] (Table 1). Following this, the structure of the subAB 2 operon and AG-881 adjacent DNA was analyzed using the primer pair tia_lo/ SubAB2-3′tia targeting the region of the tia gene, an intergenic region (linker), subAB 2, as well as 316 bp of the downstream region (Figure 2B). This should reveal a PCR product of 3174 bp. In these PCRs, 6 STEC strains were positive (see Figure 3A, lanes 3, 5–9), indicating the presence of subAB 2 linked
to the tia gene (Table 1). However, one of AZD5363 datasheet these PCRs with strain LM27553stx1 as a template, revealed a PCR product of approximately 4500 bp (Figure 3A, lane 3). Since the open reading frames of subA 2-1 and subB 2-1 in this strain were of the correct size, insertion of foreign DNA between subA 2-1 and tia is assumed. PCR of STEC strains LM14603/08, LM16092/08 and LM27553stx2 with the same primers was negative (Figure 3A, lanes 1, 2, and 4), and therefore direct association of subAB 2 with the tia gene could not be demonstrated. Weak
bands Selleck Copanlisib in Figure 3A, lanes 1, 2, and 4 reflect unspecific amplification products. Figure 3 Agarose gel electrophoresis of PCR products of subAB 2 alleles with primers tia_lo/subAB2-3′tia targeting the SE-PAI (A), and subAB5′-OEP/subA_out targeting the OEP-locus locus (B). Gene Ruler 1 kb DNA ladder (M), (Fermentas) LM14603/08 (1), LM16092/08 (2), LM27553stx1 (3), LM27553stx2 (4), LM27564 (5), LM27558stx2 (6), LM27555 (7), LM14960 (8), LM27558stx1 (9), with identical order of strains on both agarose gels. Strain LM27564 was used as positive control. Due to these negative results, the subAB 2 reference
sequence of STEC strain ED32 (GenBank Acc. No. JQ994271) was searched with BLAST against the NCBI nucleotide database to evaluate the possibility of further subAB gene loci in Cediranib (AZD2171) these strains. Interestingly, a further subAB operon with different flanking regions was detected in Escherichia coli strain 1.2264 in contig 3905 (Acc. No. AEZO02000020.1) and in Escherichia coli strain 9.0111 in contig 1125855384441 (Acc. No. AEZZ02000028.1), which in addition carry the SE-PAI described by Michelacci et al. [16]. The new gene locus carries genes hypothetically encoding parts of a type 1 secretion system (T1SS), and an outer membrane efflux protein (OEP), which are located upstream of subAB 2 and are linked to the latter by a 1496 bp sequence (for a scheme see Figure 2C). Downstream of subAB 2 , the nanR gene hypothetically encoding the transcriptional regulator of the nan-operon was present in a 1400 bp distance in strain E. coli 1.2264 and 3842 bp in E. coli 9.011 where additional putative transposases are inserted (data not shown). In the following, this new gene region is termed OEP-locus.