Expression is higher among primary tumors and metastases than effusions, and effusions show complete cytoplasmic localization of Snail1 [133]. Snail1 represses E-cadherin and upregulates MMPs, and E-cadherin expression correlates with disease-free survival while MMP-2 is considered
a marker of poor prognosis [129]. Gastric carcinoma E-cadherin expression is drastically reduced in gastric carcinoma, Trametinib purchase and Snail1 expression levels once again share an inverse relationship with E-cadherin expression levels [129]. Snail1 expression levels are more comparable to breast than ovarian carcinomas, and Snail1 expression is still higher in diffuse PSI-7977 nmr rather than intestinal varieties of gastric carcinomas [129,134]. Elevated Snail1 expression increases cells’ capacities for
migration and invasion. Overexpression correlates with tumor size, depth of invasion, and lymph node metastasis. Shortened survival rates are also directly related to Snail1 overexpression, and Snail1 is considered a predictor of poor prognosis [135]. Oral squamous carcinoma Oral squamous carcinoma click here is another case of E-cadherin/Snail1 expression inversion, and the higher the Snail1 expression, the more invasive the cancer. E-cadherin positive cells maintain their cuboidal shape while E-cadherin negative cells turn spindle-shaped. This is a typical sign of EMT, and it shows Snail1’s repression of E-cadherin [136]. Pancreatic carcinoma Pancreatic carcinoma tissues show significantly reduced E-cadherin levels and relatively high Snail1 expression [129]. In one study, 78% (n = 36) of ductal adenocarcinoma tissues expressed Snail1, and Snail1 expression is higher in undifferentiated cell lines than in differentiated ones [137]. Colorectal carcinoma Colorectal cancer (CRC) begins in gland cells that line the colon and rectum, and it is one of the most commonly newly diagnosed cancers and a leading cause of cancer-related deaths [138]. Snail1 expression is again inversely correlated to Carbachol E-cadherin expression in CRC, and the expression
level of Snail1 is quite high in CRC (78%, n = 59) [130,139]. Interestingly, the mean age of the Snail1-positive group was nine years older than the Snail1-negative group in one study, with a standard deviation of 12.7 years (58.9 years vs. 49.8 years, n = 59) [139]. In another study, Snail1 expression was detected by Western blot in all tested CRC lines, and its expression increased both migratory and invasive properties. Additionally, Snail1 expression led to a stem-cell like phenotype and spindle shape, as usually accompanies the loss of E-cadherin [140]. Snail1 expression also increased with the stage of the tumors, with 15/23 stage III expressing Snail1 and 6/6 of stage IV. The significantly higher rate of metastasis associated with Snail1 expression suggests that Snail1’s presence indicates a high risk of distant metastases [139,140].