Current arrays are in the hundreds of electrodes, and keeping total volume of the multielectrode below 1% of the brain volume is challenging. Alternatively, wireless data transmission or implanted recording are options. Wireless data transmission at optical and infrared (IR)
frequencies are needed to obtain adequate single-channel data rates. Radio-frequency (RF) transmission of whole-brain data would draw Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical excessive power due to bandwidth constraints. Multiplexing RF wavelengths is likely inadequate, but optical/IR or Cisplatin chemical structure ultrasound allow frequency and spatial multiplexing. Implanted electrical recording would require a 1000-fold increase in the power efficiency of electronics relative to current devices to scale to whole-brain simultaneous recordings. Optical imaging Light scattering Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical imposes significant limits on optical techniques, but strategies exist which could negate the effects of scattering, such as implantable optics, infrared fluorescence or bioluminescence, and online inversion of the Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical scattering matrix. In larval zebrafish, a calcium indicator (GCaMP5G) in vivo captured, at 0.8 Hz, 80% of all
of the 100 000 neurons of the whole brain at single-cell resolution3 but scaling this to thicker, less transparent brains is quite challenging. Whole-brain multi-photon excitation could overheat the brain, except in very short experiments, unless ultrabright Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical inorganic indicators or similar strategies can be developed.4 For beam
scanning microscopies, optical phase modulators, in principle, could reposition beams at 1-GHz switching rates with fluorescence lifetimes in the 0.1-1.0 ns range constrain and enable design of ultrafast scanning. Ultrasound Ultrasound is attenuated by brain tissue at the 100-MHz frequencies needed for single-cell resolution ultrasound imaging such that it is hard to detect even Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical in theory. Nevertheless, ultrasound may be a viable medium for spatially multiplexed data transmission from embedded devices5. Molecular recording devices These fall within reasonable physical limits, but their development represents major challenges in synthetic biology. Innovative therapeutic Thymidine kinase and preventative neurotechnologies A subset of the above imaging methods have variations capable of patterned neuronal stimulation, notably electrical and optical methods. This may enable repair or accommodation of disorders acquired during a lifetime of trauma and environmental and immune factors. Some psychiatric and neurodegenerative diseases can be prevented at even earlier stages, via their inherited, (auto)immune and microbial/viral origins. Genomics is finally overcoming decades of false-positives in such diseases including autism, schizophrenia, obsessive-compulsive disorder, bipolar disorder, etc.