All tests applied MGCD0103 price were two-tailed, with p value of 0.05 or less considered statistically significant. Statistical analysis was performed using IBM SPSS Statistics (IBM Corp. Released 2011. IBM SPSS Statistics for Windows, Version 20.0. Armonk, NY: IBM Corp.) Results Patient population 416 P005091 clinical trial patients ≥60 years of age with an ISS ≥16 met inclusion criteria with complete data, and were identified who presented to our trauma unit during the study period. Mean age was 76.9 ± 9.6 years of which 232 (55.8%) were male. Of note, 174 (41.8%) were ≥80 years of age. As expected, in-hospital mortality rate was
closely associated with age. The overall death rate was 17.8% (74 / 416). In the group ≥80 years of age 23.4% (41/ 174) died, vs. 16.8% (23/137) in the 70-79 year group, and 9.5% (10/105) in the 60-69 year group (p = 0.003). Only one patient (0.2%) died following discharge but within 30 days of the trauma and was considered as in-hospital death. Post-discharge survival The demographic and clinical characteristics of the patients in the post discharge survival category are noted in Table 2. 342 patients were discharged from the hospital and were available for follow up. Of this group, 133 patients (38.9%) were ≥80 years of age. During the follow-up period, 119 patients (34.8%) died (non-survivor group) at a mean follow up of 18.8 months (range: 1.1-66.2 months).
223 patients (65.2%) survived at a mean follow up of 50.2 months (range: 24.8-83.8 months). On univariate analysis, older age was significantly associated with a poor long term outcome (p < 0.0001). Patients who were involved in road traffic collisions, (pedestrians and passengers) were significantly more likely to have a favorable
long term outcome compared with those whose mechanism of injury was a fall (p < 0.01). Astemizole A higher head region AIS was significantly associated with a poorer outcome. Similarly, a low GCS upon admission and the need for intubation at the scene, but not in the ED, were associated with a worse outcome (p < 0.0001, and p < 0.01, respectively). Interestingly, parameters of in-hospital course, including requirement for ICU admission, blood transfusion and in-hospital complications (infectious and non-infectious) did not influence long term outcome (Table 2). Overall LOS was shorter for the survival group but this difference did not reach statistical significance. Ultimate discharge destination was significantly associated with outcome. Patients who were either discharged home or to a rehabilitation facility had a significantly improved long term outcome (p < 0.001) compared to those who were discharged to an ALF. Table 2 Univariate analysis of long term survival Non-survivors Survivors P value (n = 119) (n = 223) Age (mean ± SD) 80.1 ± 9.64 74.2 ± 9.07 <0.0001 Males (n, %) 66 (55.5) 121 (54.3) NS MOI (n, %) Fall 93 (78.2) 131 (58.7) <0.001 MVA car 8 (6.7) 37 (16.6) 0.01 MVA pedestrian 11 (9.2) 46 (20.6) <0.01 Assault 3 (2.