2 The Hyatt Regency St Louis at the Arch is the conference headq

2 The Hyatt Regency St. Louis at the Arch is the conference headquarters. Deluxe guest rooms, all scientific sessions, the Congress receptions and dinners will be held here. It is directly across from the St. Louis Arch. Photo by Dale Musick. Source http://​www.​stlouisarch.​hyatt.​com/​en/​hotel/​home.​html Speakers from around the world are expected to present their recent results and provide overviews. In addition, 42 student fellowships were granted to graduate students from several countries to attend

the Congress which will enhance their knowledge as the next generation of scientists with our dynamic environment. Poster PLX3397 clinical trial sessions are open to all attendees to view and visit with a true cross-section of scientific policy and findings. See http://​biology4.​wustl.​edu/​ps2013/​scipro.​html or http://​ps16stlouis.​wustl.​edu/​scipro.​html. There will be opportunities to visit our great city. We recommend the Botanical Garden; Forest Park; City Garden Sculpture Park, and certainly the old courthouse (see Figs. 3 and 4). Fig. 3 Experience a significant part of United States history during a visit to the Old Courthouse, the site where the famous Dred Scott case took place. In this courthouse in 1857 slaves sued for

their freedom. This is a two-block walk from the Hyatt Hotel and Arch. Photo by Dale Musick. Source http://​www.​gatewayarch.​com/​experience/​old-courthouse/​ Fig. 4 City Garden Sculpture Park is located only five blocks from PD0325901 the meeting conference center, the Hyatt Regency at the Arch. Built in 2009, it showcases 24 pieces of sculpture and is truly a magnificent park in the middle of downtown St. Louis. Photo by Dale Musick. Source http://​www.​citygardenstl.​org/​ Of course, one cannot visit St. Louis without recognizing

the amount of love given to the Saint Louis Cardinal baseball team (see Fig. 5). During the Congress, the team is in town so Olopatadine you may purchase tickets through this website http://​stlouis.​cardinals.​mlb.​com/​ticketing/​index.​jsp?​c_​id=​stl. The Stadium is a three block walk from the Hyatt Regency at the Arch, the Congress hotel. We hope that you will also visit our Mississippi River (see Fig. 6). Fig. 5 A photograph of the Stadium. Photo by Dale Musick Fig. 6 A view of the Mississippi River from the Arch Grounds. Photo by Dale Musick The congress will include many commercial exhibits from leading vendors in the industry. This Congress is designed to engage you in scientific discussions, perhaps future collaborations, and presentations from around the world. We hope the scientific program with the outreach activities (both scientific and community tours) would allow you to truly enjoy the 16th Photosynthesis Congress. In the Appendix, we provide a list of our committee members. Without their help, we would not have had this conference. Acknowledgments This article was written on behalf of the local arrangements and coordinating committee (see Appendix for the complete list).

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