04 mM was released from the peptidoglycan in the absence of LysB4. Moreover, this enzyme did Talazoparib mw not show any N-acetylmuramoyl-L-alanine amidase or glycosidase activity (data not shown). Therefore, LysB4 belongs to the endopeptidases. Determination of the cleavage site by LysB4 in the peptidoglycan The specific LysB4 cleavage site in the peptidoglycan was determined by reverse-phase (RP)-HPLC and LC-MS (Figure 4). A peak that was absent from the control reaction (Figure 4a) and had a retention time of 31.03 min was observed in cell wall samples digested with LysB4 (arrow, Figure 4b). This peak corresponded to a fragment ion at m/z of 311.86, which seemed to be
the [M-H]- of 2,4-dinitrophenol (DNP)-D-Glu (Mr, 313). Both peaks at 31.75 min in Lonafarnib clinical trial Figure 4a and at 31.79 min in
Figure 4b corresponded to DNP. When non-acetylated and acetylated peptidoglycan substrate were hydrolyzed by 4 N HCl and analyzed by RP-HPLC, the peak corresponding to DNP-D-diaminopimelic acid (Mr, 355) appeared only with the non-acetylated peptidoglycan sample, which showed that free amino groups of diaminopimelic acid in non-cross-linked peptide stem were labeled with DNP in this sample (data not shown). The lack of this peak with the acetylated peptidoglycan sample indicated that all the free amino groups were successfully acetylated. These results suggested that LysB4 acts as an L-alanoyl-D-glutamate endopeptidase to cut the peptide bond between the L-Ala and D-Glu (arrow, Figure 4c). Figure 4 LysB4 cleavage site in peptidoglycan. (a, b) HPLC results with the enzymatic reaction products of LysB4. Purified cell wall of B. cereus was reacted with LysB4 for 0 min (a) and 60 min (b). (c) Structure of peptidoglycan in Bacillus species. The cleavage site
by the LysB4 was indicated by an arrow. Discussion In this study, LysB4, a newly identified endolysin from the B. cereus-specific bacteriophage B4, was expressed, VAV2 purified, and characterized. We showed that LysB4 was an L-alanoyl-D-glutamate endopeptidase. These endopeptidases have been reported in L. monocytogenes phages, the E. coli bacteriophage T5, and a B. subtilis strain [21, 23, 24]. In contrast, all the characterized endolysins found in bacterioFHPI phages infecting Bacillus species are amidases (Ply21, Ply12, and PlyBa) [17]. Thus, LysB4 is the first characterized L-alanoyl-D-glutamate endopeptidase originating from B. cereus phages. LysB4 has two domains; the VanY domain at the N-terminus and SH3_5 domain at the C-terminus. The majority of the endolysins have two domains connected by a short linker: the N-terminal catalytic domain is responsible for cell lytic activity and the C-terminal cell wall binding domain that recognizes and binds a specific substrate, such as carbohydrate in the cell wall of target bacteria [10].