The score for each article can range from 0 (lowest quality) to 8 (highest quality). Scores of 4-8 represent good to excellent (high quality) and 0 to 3 poor or low quality. Table 1 The modified Jadad scale Eight-item of the modified Jadad scale Score Was the study described as randomized? Yes +1 No 0 Was the method of randomization appropriate? Yes +1 No -1 Not described 0 Was the study described as blinding?a Yes +1 No 0 Was the method of blinding appropriate? Yes +1 No -1 Not described
0 Was there a description of withdrawals and dropouts? Yes +1 No 0 Was there a clear description of the inclusion/exclusion criteria? Yes +1 No 0 Was the method used to assess adverse effects described? Yes +1 No 0 Was the BI 10773 methods of statistical analysis described? Yes +1 No 0 a: double-blind got 1 score, single-blind got 0.5 score. Sensitivity analysis Sensitivity analysis
was used to assess how robust the results are to uncertain decisions or assumption about the data and the methods that were used [18]. To analyze the sensitivity of our study, some studies were excluded because they were of low quality (had a quality score of 3 or under 3) and thus may weaken the conclusions. Publication bias analysis For the purposes of assessing the publication bias of this study, a funnel selleck kinase inhibitor plot based on studies with data on objective tumor response (as this was the outcome with most studies included in meta-analysis) was graphed and Egger’s test[19] was also performed. Results Study characteristics and quality Twenty nine MRIP studies [20–48] were included in this review based on our selection criteria, encompassing 2,062 patients. A total of thirty studies were excluded due to lack of inclusion criteria, missing data and multiple publications. All included trials were published after
2004, and vinorelbine plus cisplatin (NP) was the most common chemotherapy regimen (19/29,65.5%), and the remainder included paclitaxel plus cisplatin (TP), gemcitabine plus cisplatin (GP), and docetaxel plus cisplatin (DC). Of the 29 trials included in meta-analysis,24 trials were reported as RCTs, and 5 trials didn’t describe clearly the methods of grouping. Of the 24 trials claimed to be RCTs, the randomization procedure was described clearly and was true in only 5 trials(random digital table was adopted), 15 trials stated that subjects were “”randomized”" without describing the randomization method or procedures, 4 trials stated that methods that were not truly randomized were used. According to the modified Jadad scale, 10 studies were of high quality, with a quality score of 4 or above 4, and the rest were of low quality, with a quality score of 3 or under 3. Characteristics and quality of all included studies are presented in table 2.