Haplotypes one position away from the founding haplotype on the eBurst diagrams differed in one trait from LESB58, and isolates two positions away from the founding haplotype on the eBurst diagram differed in two traits. This method of analysing P. aeruginosa haplotypes has been published previously by Mowat et al.[9]. Statistical analysis A generalised linear model with a negative binomial
error distribution was used to test whether the number of novel haplotypes was differed between ASM and ASM plus antibiotic treatments, Vemurafenib price with significance assessed using a likelihood ratio test. Haplotype diversity was calculated as the probability of two randomly picked clones being the same haplotype based on the haplotype frequencies selleck products within a sample (equivalent to the Simpson’s Index) and analysed in a linear model following a logistic transform. Hierarchical analysis of variance was performed using the ade4 package in R [62] in order to estimate the population differentiation between treatment groups, between populations within treatment groups and between clones within populations. Acknowledgements This work was supported by The
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