4b) or NPTX-1532 (fig. 4c) cells. In other studies, pBABE-IBC-10a:c-myc cells which over expressed RPS2 exhibited high levels of apoptosis of 9% and 30% by 8 and 24 hr in response to 6 ug/ml DNAZYM-1P (data not shown). Figure 4 a MTS assays showing that 4 or 6 ug/ml DNAZYM-1P (i.e. Z1 and Z2, respectively)
treatment of 90% confluent cultures not only BIX 1294 concentration blocked cell growth, but reduced the cell density after 8, 24 and 48 hr, respectively, in (P:Z1, P:Z2) PC-3ML, (L:Z1) LNCaP, and (C:Z1) CPTX-1532 selleck chemicals cells. The growth of (N:Z2) NPTX-1532 cells was not blocked by 6 ug/ml DNAZYM-1P treatment after 0, 8, 24 and 48 hr, however. Controls showed that growth of PC-3ML cells treated with lipofectamine (P:lip) or a 6 ug/ml scrambled DNAZYM oligonucleotide (P:scr) was not blocked. 4b-4c. Apoptosis Assays using annexin V antibody labeling and flow cytometry. Showed that 4 & 6 ug/ml DNAZYM-1P (■, ◆) induced increased amounts
of apoptosis in (fig. 4b) PC-3 ML cells after 8–24 hr (i.e. 5% to 28%), but failed to induce apoptosis in (fig. 4c) NPTX-1532 Mocetinostat order cells after 0, 8, 24, 48 and 72 hr treatment (i.e. < 1.2%). Controls showed that (▲) lipofectamine, (○) scrambled DNAZYM oligonucleotide, or (Ж) untreated cells exhibited very low levels of apoptosis. SCID mice tumor modeling studies Tumor modeling studies were carried where PC-3ML tumor cells were injected in the scotal sac of 8 week old SCID mice. Since the testis do not descend by 8–14 weeks of age, it was possible to inject in the scotal sac where the bulk of the cells or reagent tend to remain following injection. We allowed the tumors to establish and reach
a size that was palpable after 28 days prior to initiating treatment with the DNAZYM-1P. Mice were then treated for ~2 mos at a dosage of 4 ug/biw injected topically in the scrotal sac. In mice treated with 4 ug/ml biw DNAZYM-1P (▲)(n Farnesyltransferase = 50), 33/50 mice exhibited no detectable tumors and 12/50 had tiny nodules (< 0.2 cm3) which were hollow spheres coated by collagen networks and empty of tumor cells. In untreated mice (○) (n = 20) or mice treated with the scrambled oligonucleotide (◆)(n = 30) or vehicle (n = 20) (Ж) the tumors reached a size of 2–2.6 cm3 after ~2 mos and all the mice had scrotal sac tumors plus localized metastases to the peritoneal cavity (fig. 5a). None of the mice exhibited detectable metastases (fig. 5a). Figure 5 a Mice were injected in the scrotal sac with 1 × 10 6 PC-3ML cells. Treatment was initiated at day 28, and mice treated with (▲) 4 ug/biw DNAZYM-1P) (n = 50); (◆) scrambled oligonucleotide (n = 30); (Ж) vehicle (n = 20) or (○) untreated. The agent was injected in the scotal sac in 0.1 ml buffer. Tumor size was measured with calipers at 2 week intervals. 5b. Mice (n = 30/agent) were injected i.v. via the tail vein at day 1 and day 10 with 1 × 105 cells/ml (in 0.1 ml) then treatment started after 2 weeks by i.v.