Discussion It is obvious from the DSC, DMTA and DRS studies that the general properties as well as the structure of OIS depend on the reactivity of the organic component that was regulated by the variation of the ratio between MDI and PIC in the organic component in the reactive mixture during polymerization, dimensions of dominant buy Dinaciclib hybrid network and mineral phase. The rise of the reactivity R of the organic component of OIS by increasing the content of the isocyanate-containing modifier PIC leads to the formation of more rigid, thermostable, less conductive and polarisable
OIS. The essential changes of these characteristics occurred in the middle range of the reactivity
R www.selleckchem.com/products/gm6001.html of the organic component, while for low and high values of reactivity R, they were more or less invariable. In OIS with low values of reactivity R, the major Talazoparib cell line part of the organic component was macrodiisocyanate; thus, the hybrid organic-inorganic network MDI/SS was the dominant structure, and the general properties of OIS were prevalently defined by the properties of this hybrid network. Hybrid network PIC/SS was in the form of domains in matrix of hybrid network MDI/SS. Otherwise, the hybrid network PIC/SS dominated in OIS with high values of reactivity R, and the general properties of OIS were prevalently defined by the properties of this network. Also, as it was shown in [13], the OIS with low values of R and, correspondingly, the dominant hybrid network MDI/SS contain nano-scale inclusions of the SS mineral phase, whereas the OIS with high values of R and, correspondingly, the dominant hybrid network
PIC/SS contain micro-dimensional inclusions of the SS mineral phase. The nano-scale inclusions of the SS mineral phase in OIS with the dominant lowly cross-linked network MDI/SS have much highly developed specific active surface with higher number of charge carriers as compared to the micro-dimensional inclusions of the SS mineral phase in the OIS with the dominant highly cross-linked network O-methylated flavonoid PIC/SS. Such distributive behavior of charge carriers leads to a higher charge transfer and, correspondingly, ionic conductivity in OIS with dominant ionomeric lowly cross-linked network MDI/SS as compared to highly cross-linked network PIC/SS. In OIS with middle values of reactivity R, both networks may be dominant, depending on the prevailing product in the organic component. The transition from domination of hybrid network MDI/SS to domination of hybrid network PIC/SS can be pointed near 0.18 of reactivity R of the organic component. In accordance to [20], such OIS can be referred to hybrids with covalently connected building blocks and, in some cases, interpenetrating networks.