The primers used for real-time PCR are listed in Table 3. The second derivate maximum method was performed for CP (cross point) determination using LightCycler Software V3.5.30 (Roche Molecular Biochemicals). After normalization with Relative Quantification Software V1.0 (Roche Molecular Biochemicals), the final results were calculated as ratios of the relative transcript levels of the target genes to the relative amount of β-actin. Sense:5′-GAA TCT CCG ACC ACC ACT A -3 Anti-sense:5′-ACA TAA GCC TCG TTA TCC C-3 Sense:5′-CAA TCT GGA TTC AAT GAG GAG AC-3 Anti-sense:5′-CTC TGG CTT GTT CCT
CAC TAC TC-3 Sense:5′-CTG GTA TGA GCC CAT CTA TC-3 Anti-sense:5′-CGA find protocol AGT GGT GGT CTT GTT GC-3 Sense:5′-GAG CTA CGA GCT GCC TGA CG-3 Anti-sense:5′-GTA GTT TCG TGG ATG CCA CAG-3 The plasma levels of IL-7, IL12, IL-15,
IFN-γ and TGF-β were selleck products measured by ELISA, using ELX-800 microplate reader (BioTek Corporation, Winooski, VT, USA) in accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions (Bender MedSystems, Vienna, Austria). All samples were measured in duplicate. All statistical analyses were performed by spss for Windows version 13.0 (SPSS, Chicago, IL, USA). Data are presented as mean ± standard deviation (SD). Differences between the values were determined using Student’s t-test. A value of P < 0.05 was regarded as a significant difference. As shown in Fig. 1, compared with healthy controls the percentage of CD8+T cells (15.63% ± 4.15% versus 21.33% ± 6.49%, t = 4.274, P < 0.05) and CD3−CD56+NK cells (5.57% ± 1.53%
versus 9.07% ± 2.88%, t = 6.117, P < 0.05) were downregulated during acute phase of KD. With respect to controls, the percentage of CD8+T cells expressing NKG2D were significantly downregulated in the acute phase of KD group (50.12% ± 13.35% versus 71.15% ± 6.80%, t = 9.038, P < 0.05). Moreover, we observed the MFI of NKG2D antigen on CD8+T cells was significantly downregulated in the acute phase of KD group (5.81 ± 1.30 versus 8.82 ± 2.08, t = 7.076, P < 0.05). To further analyse the association of NKG2D expression on CD8+T Metalloexopeptidase cells with severity of KD children, we noticed that NKG2D proportions in the KD-CAL+ group were markedly lower than those in the KD-CAL− group (37.68% ± 6.54% versus 56.76% ± 11.11%, t = 7.327, P < 0.05; MFI: 4.90 ± 0.77 versus 6.30 ± 1.26, t = 4.667, P < 0.05). Similarly, the levels of NKG2D on CD3−CD56+NK cells expression were remarkable decreased in children with KD compared with normal controls (66.23% ± 11.16% versus 85.21% ± 7.90%, t = 8.677, P < 0.05; MFI: 10.60 ± 2.23 versus 16.24 ± 6.28, t = 4.728, P < 0.05). On CD3−CD56+NK cells, the expression levels of NKG2D was also markedly lower in the KD-CAL+ group compared with the KD-CAL− group (57.05% ± 6.21% versus 71.12% ± 10.11%, t = 5.834, P < 0.05; MFI: 8.72 ± 1.