Pre-publication history The pre-publication history for this paper can be accessed here: Acknowledgements The Canadian National EMS Research Agenda is a project of the EMS Chiefs of Canada (EMSCC) research committee, and the study team would like to gratefully acknowledge the support and funding received from the EMSCC, the Paramedic Association of Canada (PAC),
and from the EMSCC 2011 St. John’s NL conference organizing Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical committee, where the roundtable discussion will be hosted. The study is funded by the following granting agencies: The Canadian Institutes of Health Research (Meetings, Planning and Dissemination Grant KPE-112496), the Nova Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical Scotia Health Research Foundation (Research Enterprise Development Initiatives Catalyst Award PSO-REDI-2010-7142), the Canadian Police Research Centre, and the Calgary EMS Foundation. The research was conducted at the Dalhousie University Division of EMS and the Rescu, Keenan Research Centre, Li Ka Shing Knowledge Institute, St Michael’s Hospital, University of Toronto. The authors would like to acknowledge Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical Tim Ruggles, Dalhousie University Health Sciences Librarian
for his help with our literature search on EMS research agendas.
Emergency departments are medical treatment facilities, designed to provide episodic care to patients suffering from acute injuries and illnesses as well as patients who are experiencing sporadic flare-ups of underlying chronic medical conditions which require urgent medical
attention [1]. The scientific literature suggests that demand for emergency department services has been increasing over recent decades in many geographic jurisdictions, including: Singapore [2], Spain [3] and the United States [4]. Changing preferences of medical Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical consumers may be related to this increased demand for emergency health services. For example, research suggests that certain SB203580 sub-groups of patients may not have access to a primary care provider at all, and use the emergency department Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical as a regular source of care [5]. For those who can access primary care in the community, their choice to visit an emergency department may be attributable to the convenience and ease of access to emergency services, relative to primary care services, in their geographic locations [3,6]. In other jurisdictions, it has been observed that a small proportion of patients account for a relatively large utilization of emergency services. These individuals have been coined through “heavy users”, “repeaters” or “frequent flyers” [7,8]. Qualitative studies have shown that these heavy users are typically characterized by a high prevalence of psycho-social limitations and associated medical co-morbidities. The complex nature of the diseases which afflict these patients makes them difficult to treat via emergency medicine, and many are better treated via multi-facetted and individually tailored treatment plans in the community [9,10].