It can be seen from the left panels of Figure 7 that the servomotor torque fluctuates for each data sample. During the last 34 days before maintenance, some impulses appear in the last half of the ball screw travel. As shown in the right panels of Figure 7, the spectrum plot of each data sample shows that the same dominating spectrum peaks appear at the servomotor’s rotary frequency and the first, second and third harmonics of the reducer meshing frequency, with very slight changes in the peaks’ value. At the same time, a resonance appears at the frequencies band between 330�C370 Hz, during the last 62 days before maintenance. Similar results occur in the spectrum of almost every data sample. Thus, it is not easy to describe the degradation progress by directly using the change of the characteristic frequencies.
Figure 7.Servomotor torque of X-axis at different number of the days before maintenance.To describe the degradation progress, the proposed BRWB is used to detect the quadratic nonlinear phase coupling frequencies band of the torque signature. Here, the bandwidth from 0�C500 Hz is selected for the bicoherence calculation. Figure 8a�Cd showS the BRWB of the torque data samples at 192 days, 62 days, 34 days and 2 days before maintenance, respectively. As shown in Figure 8a, it is found that the dominant phase coupling peaks appear at the bifrequency (32 Hz, 64�C350 Hz), which illustrates that, at the beginning of the service life progress, the quadratic nonlinear interaction only occurs between the 1th, 2th and 3the harmonics of the reducer’s meshing frequency.
As the service life progresses, new phase coupling presents at the bifrequency (64 Hz, 270 Hz) and (140 Hz, 230 Hz) as shown in Figure 8c,d, which illustrates that quadratic nonlinear interaction between the reducer’s meshing frequency and the resonance frequency band results from the degradation of the X-axis. In addition, the peaks value at the new bifrequency (64 Hz, 270 Hz) and (140 Hz, 230 Hz) are increasing as the degradation progresses.Figure 8.BRWB of X-axis servomotor torque data: (a) 192 days before maintenance; (b) 62 days before maintenance; (c) 34 days before maintenance; (d) 2 days before maintenance.To further investigate the interactions, the phase coupling distribution Carfilzomib of each data sample is estimated by using the SBRWB feature, as shown in Figure 9a, and the global phase coupling of each data sample is estimated by the MEBRWB feature as shown in Figure 9b. The differences among the BRWB of each data sample can be directly revealed by the SBRWB feature. The SBRWB features of the resonance frequency band, servomotor rotary frequency harmonics and the second harmonic of reducer meshing frequency are increasing significantly during the service cycle.